Gasp! I cut my Hair!


It has been forever since my last post. There has been a huge change on my hair front.
I woke up on the morning (read 6am before work) of 25th November, just a couple of days before my 3rd Nappyversary, driven to the edge by my hairs’ breakage, I grabbed my Kitchen Scissors….Kitchen scissors , pulled my hair into a bun and cut off my hair.
And just like that I was back at the beginning.




That evening I went to my local hairdresser who shaped up the hair into some type of tapered cut.



For a self acclaimed length chaser, the experience was very liberating, kinda like when I did my Big Chop. I am freed from the bonds of chasing length and now I can just enjoy my hair for what it is…..Natural and free.

I am totally loving the short hair and looking forward to finding creative ways of wearing short hair


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I love my Natural

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